The colder weather is creeping in and we're keeping it out by improving your 18Birdies experience! We’ve been focusing on crushing a lot of minor bugs in this release, but also have some new improvements that you’ll benefit from!
- Photo and Video Gallery: Take an awesome photo or captured a great moment on video during your round and forgot to add it to your gallery? Worry no more, you can go back and add media to your round after it’s finished!

- Hole-by-Hole in Round Summary: We’ve replaced the old GPS view from round summary with a new hole-by-hole view. This allows you to see more details about each hole such as score, stats, tracked shots, strokes gained stats, games and more!
Don’t forget that your feedback is essential to keeping 18Birdies running as smoothly as possible. If you have any suggestions or you think we can make an improvement, drop us a line at