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Golf School Plan

Break 100

Sharpen your all-around skills to consistently get your next round of golf into double digits. This comprehensive program combines fundamental swing techniques with specific putting, chipping, and course management drills to build a solid foundation across all aspects of the game to lower your scores.

Break 100 Video

What You'll Learn

  • Fundamental Swing Skills

    Solidify your swing balance, impact precision, and low point control to improve overall shot quality.

  • Enhanced Short Game

    Develop precise chipping and putting approaches to save strokes around the green.

  • Effective Course Management

    Learn how to approach different course layouts and conditions strategically, maximizing your chances to stay below 100.

Course Details

This plan recommends 60 minutes weekly practice at home, and 60 minutes weekly practice at the range.

Swing Improvement
Swing Improvement

Focus on building a stable and balanced swing, with emphasis on achieving consistent and solid ball contact, crucial for reducing wasted strokes.

Short Game Precision
Short Game Precision

Engage in varied short game drills that enhance your ability to chip and putt accurately, focusing on control over distance to better manage green placement.

Strategic Play and Visualization
Strategic Play and Visualization

Practice visualization techniques and strategic thinking to better navigate the course, learning to make smarter decisions that align with your skills and typical course challenges.