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Welcome To Bootcamp (1)

Hey, good to see you! 

We're so glad you'll be joining us for our first 18Birdies Bootcamp over the next 8 weeks. We're stoked to get started – and hope you are too. Below is your To-Do List for the week:

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and check to see that you have latest available version updated.
  2. Before we get started working, we'll need to get a baseline of where your game is at by capturing your scores for 3 full 18-hole rounds. Head to the Play tab and Enter a Scorecard to complete this part. Once we have this data, your Stats page will start to look pretty good – and you'll also get an 18Birdies Handicap. If you've recently scored with the app you can skip this step.
  3. Next up in the baseline evaluation, head over to the Improve tab to upload two swing videos to AI Swing Analyzer. Grab a club (but you can also do this without one) and a tripod or someone nearby to help you film your swing from two angles: 1) Face-on and 2) Down-the-line. (You'll find more instructions in the app, if you need 'em)
  4. Last, but not least! Invite a friend to join 18Birdies Bootcamp with you. We recommend this step to not only keep you accountable, but also to make bootcamp just a wee bit more fun by bringing some of that competitive on-course juice to your new practice routine.

All right, we'll leave you here for now. Make sure you do all of these things before our next check-in on Friday, October 30th. In the meantime, check in with us on Instagram and in the 18Birdies feed for ongoing Bootcamp updates. 

Did you miss the Bootcamp memo? Read up about 18Birdies Bootcamp and why you should join. 

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