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Want to truly see how far every club in your bag goes? 

We have a brand new way to get the most accurate representation of the distance you hit each club in your bag. It’s called True Distance and it even factors in on-course conditions like wind, slope, temperature, rain & more. True Distance can also intelligently determine which shots are the best example of your club’s typical distance while filtering out other shots that are outliers or mishits, punch shots, etc.

See my True Distance

How it works

After tracking shots with various clubs in 18Birdies, True Distance will auto select the shots that best represent your distance for each club and excludes mishits and other outliers to show how a well struck shot would end up. True Distance also adjusts each shot for on-course conditions like uphill or downhill slope, wind, temperature, rain and more. So if you hit a drive 230 yards uphill and into the wind, the True Distance of that shot will adjust showing exactly how far that shot would have gone on a flat area without wind. That 230 yard drive may well have gone 265 yards in normal conditions, and that’s an important detail when determining how far your clubs actually go. If you're looking to truly know your clubs, hit more greens, and shoot lower scores, True Distance is a must have!

See my True Distance

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