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golf chipping drill to get up and down from everywhere

Try our favorite chipping drill to get up and down from anywhere! 

Here's how it works:

  • Grab 10 balls from your bag.
  • Step out a distance of 5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards, and 20 yards from any hole on the practice green.
  • At each distance location you’ll hit 10 shots, and will earn points for each shot.
  • Chip-ins are worth 5 points.
  • Chips that finish inside 3 feet from the hole are worth 3 points.
  • Chips that finish 3-6 feet from the hole are worth 1 point.
  • Chips that finish greater than 6 feet from the hole are worth 0 points. 
  • Record your total points from each distance location (from 5, 10, 15, & 20 yards) and then move back to the next furthest distance to hit 10 shots. 
  • When you finish your 10 shots from 20 yards from the hole, tally up your points from all distances combined to see your overall score. 
  • We suggest you log your overall score for each session to mark your progress over time (you can use the 18Birdies practice log to do this) and each time you practice, try to beat your previous best score. 
  • You can also do this before every round to get a feel for how much the ball will roll out on the green at each course you play. 
  • If you do this repeatedly, your short game will become insanely good.
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